Author Topic: I Deserve a Standing Ovation  (Read 18263 times)

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Street Mann

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I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« on: 2019-01-08 12:27:33 »
Ok all .. I just upgraded from t7 to t10.

Standing Ovation Success #1 ....
Reason for staying on v7 so long was because I have to COPY ALL images from one HD to another AND retain all the keywords and the gallery and annotations. [ All that being done so as to have a backup CLONE of my entire image collection on another disk. The thumbs Copy Command does NOT transfer all this information. You lose I think the galleries and maybe annotations.] (I found this out the hard way.)

I was able to reverse engineer what was going on and found out how to use the export DB function of t7 and then go back into the exported file and edit it directly to change the HD indexing information to point to the target drive receiving the copy of all the images.

You do a normal file manager copy of all the images from the source drive to the target drive  ( preserving exactly the same folder structure) and then you replace the td4 with the modified td4 that has the target drive HD index designator overlaid into it and replacing the old HD index info.

The reason for doing all this is because if your have a backup of your thumbs HD and your actual drive crashes, if you recover the backup onto a new disk, the thumbs database will not index the images against the replacement disk, and the indexing will still point to the old drive, and while the thumbnails will show up, they will be orphans ,and you wont be able to call up the image. Thus if you need to have a secure clone you need to do this HD indexing info reassignment to index the old  HD index # to the new HD index #.

Not sure yet how the t10 does a backup. My understanding is that it does not have the thumbs db export capability like t7 did.

If anybody can advise on what happens if the disk of the t10 database and/or your HD that contains you images crashes and you have to run t10 against a new HD containing the restored image files , i would like to hear.

Standing Ovation Success #2 ...
I just recreated 50 thumbs batch tpb files to the t10 batch format. BY HAND!!! I called up t7 and windeowed it next to t10 and went thru each .tbp and manually recreated it in the t10 that was open in the adjoining window .. What a PITA. but done. YAY.

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« Reply #1 on: 2019-01-09 18:17:48 »
Reason for staying on v7 so long was because I have to COPY ALL images from one HD to another AND retain all the keywords and the gallery and annotations. [..]  The thumbs Copy Command does NOT transfer all this information.

It should copy the keywords and annotations. Gallery membership probably not, but you could work around that by assigning a unique keyword to all the files in a gallery, and then after copying those files, find all files with that keyword at the new location and assign them to the original gallery.

You do a normal file manager copy of all the images from the source drive to the target drive  ( preserving exactly the same folder structure) and then you replace the td4 with the modified td4 that has the target drive HD index designator overlaid into it and replacing the old HD index info.

Not sure about this.. ThumbsPlus matches thumbnail records to the corresponding image files by their full path and filename as well as the volume label (not 'HD index') of the drive (exceptions: network and removable drives and CD/DVD drives).

So, if your image folders have been moved to a new drive (not moved using ThumbsPlus), you can exit TP and use Explorer or a file manager to change the volume label of that new drive to the label of the old drive. Then fire up TP and it should correctly match the thumbnails to the files again.

(at that point you can also update the volume label from within TP, if so desired).

In other cases where the connection between the thumbnail records and some/all corresponding files was broken, you may need to use MS Access or MDB Viewer to edit the database directly. For instance, this may happen when a fileserver is upgraded and given another name. When your database holds records for images stored on that server,  the server name is part of the location where TP will look for those files.

Yet another approach is to copy all database keywords and annotations into the metadata stored inside the files themselves (if JPG/TIF/PNG). Then, if your database should somehow get broken, you can regenerate it by starting a new database and copying the metadata (back) into it whilst thumbnailing the files.

Congratulations on your successes though! :-)
I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.

Street Mann

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Re: I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« Reply #2 on: 2019-01-09 19:36:46 »
Here is a  line snip from an export file on v7 which is then used to set up the modification of the export file to match the new drive. After the modifications are done, the modified export file is then imported to the t+ v7 database and it recognizes all the data on the new HD.

Highlighted in red is the information that is searched for and replaced in the export file for the sourse HD with the corresponding info from an export of a file on the NEW drive. That "0xd831b632" and computer name designation the OLD drive  will be different for he new drive and that needs to be reset in the modified export file to the new drive #'s ... Right?? At least that is what i am doing. Resetting a volume label to correspondence does not change this number. It needs to be changed directly thru this modification process and reimport  ....

It tracks the SN of the drives and this is used in the process of display and pointing to the images and so it seems to me it is not just the volume label that has to be changed.

Label","Alias","SerialNo","VolType","Connection","Filesystem","Path","FileTime","ThumbTime","FileSize","Checksum","Width","Height","HorizRes","VertRes","ColorType","ColorBits","Gamma","ThumbWidth","ThumbHeight","ThumbType","ThumbSize","FileName","Metrics","Thumbnail","Annotation","Keywords","UserFields([0;Original Date/Time;uf_Original_DateTime;12;23][1;gallery;uf_gallery;12;50][2;Exposure bias;uf_Exposure_bias;2;0])","Galleries"
"c:","",0xd831b632,3,"\\artstoughbook\c$","NTFS","Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents",1215464999,1227126629,10828,-2147483648,0,0,0,0,255,0,0,32,32,6,651,"08_07_07.TXT",m7fe07ff87fe07ff87fec7f9c7f3c7e5c7cfc7dfc7ffc61fc7ffc7ffc7ffc0000818181818181815681d7d7d7d7d7d75681ac8181acacd75681acac80acacd75681ac81807981d75681ac81818080d75681acacacd7ac812b81d7d7d7d7ac8000,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« Last Edit: 2019-01-09 19:41:21 by Street Mann »

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« Reply #3 on: 2019-01-10 07:26:51 »
Again, to my best knowledge only the volume label and the folder structure have to be the same for TP to recognize image files after they have been moved to a different drive (local harddrive) using 3d party software. In that scenario no export/import of data is necessary, you would simply continue to use the same database.
I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.

Street Mann

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Re: I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« Reply #4 on: 2019-01-10 09:33:17 »
Ill check it out ... Thanks

I think you are meaning when you say local Hard drives that you are meaning something different than a portable external drive? Please let me know.

« Last Edit: 2019-01-10 09:35:48 by Street Mann »

Daan van Rooijen

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Re: I Deserve a Standing Ovation
« Reply #5 on: 2019-01-10 11:13:05 »
Yes, what I said goes for regular internal (non-removable) harddrives only.
I'm volunteering as a moderator - I do not work for Cerious Software, Inc.