Author Topic: Copying data in annotation field to metadata  (Read 19685 times)

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« on: 2012-07-04 23:49:49 »
In a my time using thumbs+ I have used the annotation field to record details of each photo, but I would like to take what is written there, seeing its only part of the thumbs database and write it into the IPTC metadata comments field ??, can this be done in ver 9 (I have downloaded the beta) or do I need someother way like a script.
I can do this manually using irfanview but it takes lots of time.

Daan van Rooijen

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #1 on: 2012-07-05 00:10:49 »
I think you'll need v7 for that, which has the relevant option ("Populate caption from annotation") in the menu of its IPTC editor (Ctrl-I).
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #2 on: 2012-07-05 17:52:16 »
Thanks but v7 has long gone was replaced by v8, I wonder if this option could be included in v9.
If I reinstalled v7 and used a new database maybe I could work it this way ????

Daan van Rooijen

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #3 on: 2012-07-05 18:07:19 »
> If I reinstalled v7 and used a new database maybe I could work it this way ????

Well, your annotations are stored in your current database, so if that is a v8 or v9 database, you'll have to export it and then import it into v7 (if you try that: it's best to export without the thumbnails, and re-create those during import in v7. Also, if you have multiple-line annotations, you may want to doublecheck afterwards if those have been imported correctly).
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #4 on: 2012-07-05 20:12:16 »
Thanks looks like I will have a bit of playing coming up ..


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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #5 on: 2012-07-08 23:37:53 »
Exported db as a text file and when attempting to import into v7 I get a "Format file error", so no go here !!


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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #6 on: 2012-07-09 03:26:59 »
Think I have got passed this, found a backup of a td4 database which I made before going to v8, so working with this I am get what I wanted to do

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #7 on: 2012-07-09 03:41:15 »
Glad to hear it. Format errors are not very difficult to figure out (and solve with a good text editor) but with a 'native' v7 database you can get to work right away. Good luck!
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #8 on: 2012-08-07 23:11:51 »

Do you realize how LAME this whole thread is? Myself and others have been requesting the IPTC/NAA Editor from V7 be put into V8 and now V9 since V8 was released… you have the guts to tell this user to export his data back to V7! LAME… is he supposed to re-import the whole mess back to V9 afterward? Why don’t you guys fix the editor so it works the way it used to!

I currently have no plans to upgrade to V9 until this is corrected.

Unsatisfied customer,

David Witteried

Daan van Rooijen

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #9 on: 2012-08-07 23:18:06 »
> Unsatisfied customer,

Take it up with Cerious. I'm just volunteering my time here to help people.
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #10 on: 2012-08-07 23:41:10 »

Sorry, it looked like you work for them based upon the frequency of your posts. At least I was hoping you worked for them since you do monitor the site. I will try their e-mail with links to the pertinent posts. I tried this two years ago and eventually got the reply shown below. Obviously the SP and so far V9 haven't done anything to fix the issue. My advice to the original poster is to stay with V7 until this is fixed.

Here are other threads dealing with the issue:

My original post…


-----Original Message-----
From: Cerious Support []
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 10:28 AM
To: David Witteried
Subject: Re: (Case 524775) ThumbsPlus

Dear David,

Please do not think ThumbsPlus is decaying. Unfortunately, making ThumbsPlus fully compatible with XMP metadata caused lot of troubles to Phillip, specially because the Adobe XMP libraries for developers were not working as expected. Phillip has been working very hard since the official release of version 8 to fix all the reported problems and will announce the availability of the first service pack for version 8, which integrates the latest Adobe XMP libraries, this next week. Hopefully all problems with metadata should be fixed in this release.

Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

Kind regards,


Cerious Support

-----Original Message-----
From: "David Witteried"
Reply-To: "David Witteried"
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 21:50:58 -0700
Subject: ThumbsPlus

>Just wanted you to know that after installing version 8 I have not used
>it because the ability to update metadata from the database is broken.
>I like to enter my captions and key words etc. into the Thumbsplus
>database then update the metadata of the individual photos. This data
>is used when the pictures are uploaded to a web site for captions etc.
>Since this feature doesn't work I don't want to update my version 7
>database because I would have no easy way to populate the metadata. Are you going to fix this?
>Your support newsgroups have been down for several months now.
>Should I start looking for another photo database solution? Seems like
>your company and product are decaying.
>Disappointed customer,
>David Witteried

Daan van Rooijen

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #11 on: 2012-08-07 23:53:36 »
> Sorry, it looked like you work for them based upon the frequency of your posts. At least I was hoping you worked for them since you do monitor the site.

My company sells and supports ThumbsPlus in the Netherlands and Belgium, and I'm an avid user myself. Since I'm reading all messages here anyway, and Cerious' staff seems absent, I try to answer those questions that I can.

 > My advice to the original poster is to stay with V7 until this is fixed.

That's generally my advice as well. I wish it could be different!
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #12 on: 2012-08-08 18:05:51 »
As the original poster for this this thread I appreciate your help, and let you know what I have done.
As mentioned I went back to a v7 database and was able to achieve what I wanted to do, a bit of a pain, but it all worked out OK for pictures going right back to when I first starting using Thumbs+.
As I use v8 I converted them to this version and all is good.
For the last couple of years I have been using Lightroom to process my RAW pictures, they are converted to DNG files and in doing so I write all the IPTC data into them at this point and then when I open them up in Thumbs v8 all the data is there, so even if I say change the comments in either one it reflects in the other which is good.
I will go to v9 as I brought a lifetime licence many years ago and as long as it works the same I will be happy.


Daan van Rooijen

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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #13 on: 2012-08-08 18:25:23 »
Nice to hear that it all worked out and that you've found a workflow that works well for you!
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Copying data in annotation field to metadata
« Reply #14 on: 2012-08-23 20:15:39 »
I would like to add my voice that editing the metadata should require fewer steps. I too liked the IPTC editor in TP7. In TP9 it would be nice to select multiple images and use the metadata panel to edit multiple images at at a time. It does seem to involve more steps using the batch editor - at least for what I use it for.

I am glad that the Metadata panel will at least allow editing of one image now.