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Messages - Gary

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Thanks again for your input.  My question is why is SQLite so much slower creating thumbnails vs TP7/TD4 when using the exact same thumbnail settings in both?

I modified the database entry per your recommendation and noted the performance:

InitialDatabase=Database=D:\IMDBTPD\Thumbs8.tpdb8s;Driver={ThumbsPlus SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Timeout=5000;NoCreat=Yes;JournalMode=Off;PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF

I modified the database entry to:

InitialDatabase=Database=D:\IMDBTPD\Thumbs8.tpdb8s;Driver={ThumbsPlus SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Timeout=5000;NoCreat=Yes

There is absolutely no difference in performance between the two.

I installed the SQLIte Manager plugin for Firefox and it appears TP forces options on/off regardless of what the database line specifies.

These are the DB settings for the the first database line:

These are the DB settings for the second database line:

I'm confused about what purpose the InitialDatabase entry serves other than to define the database name and ODBC Driver.

Laura, could you provide further help?

Kindest regards,

ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions / View Performance
« on: 2015-07-21 13:01:01 »
I'm getting excellent view window performance with these settings (1920x1200 monitor):


> The execution is much faster than .td4 for me me. TP10 seems to have become even faster when searching. I have no Measurement it's just a feeling.
> I prefer the following line:
> Timeout=5000;NoCreat=Yes;SyncPragma=OFF;PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF
> Yes you are right this line seems to be stable in the INI, but if you use different DB's on different base this entry will change each time, you use another DB. So I prefer to programatically control this entry.
> Just remember, the standard SQLite pragmas are for safe use, speed up will cost safety. But I never had problems.
> Regards Ilse


Thanks again for your help.  I am using one SQLite database, so the entry does remain stable.  Safety is not an issue.  My system is on battery backup and I backup the database each time it is modified.

I tried your line and it makes no difference on thumbnail creation.  On my system TP7/.td4 is blinding fast creating thumbnails and search performance is the same if not better with TP7.

The image files and database files are on separate SATA III SSDs.  Not sure what else to do.

Thanks again,

OK.  I've seen the light!  I have changed from Like 7 to Default layout (old habits die hard?) and it solves a few complaints:

- blurred initial preview image (now preview pane is always visible)

- unreliable activity indicators and lack of "Tasks (0/0)" counter (now task pane is always visible making the activity indicators and counter unnecessary - unchecked the activity indicators option)

- Ctrl+Tab between panes is much smoother

I lost one column of thumbnail display, but the benefits outweigh that loss.

One feature of TP8/9/10 I absolutely love is the ability to add virtually every menu entry to the toolbar.  The ability to add "Find Similar" to the toolbar is a real plus.


> Do you have programming skills? Then the problem would be easily solved with a launcher for TP. It always writes the correct line to the INI before TP starts.
> I have written me such a program and I am very happy with SQLite.
> Maybe Cerious has a better solution soon.
> Regards Ilse


Thanks for your response.  This is the database line:

InitialDatabase=Database=D:\IMDBTPA\Thumbs10.tpdb8s;Driver={ThumbsPlus SQLite3 ODBC Driver};Timeout=5000;NoCreat=Yes;JournalMode=Off;SyncPragma=NORMAL

Should I make changes to it?  I may be wrong but the line does not appear to change from one run of TP to the next.  Maybe my expectations are too high?  A few times the performance has approached the .td4 performance, but most of the time considerably slower.

Your suggestions are most appreciated.


Thanks.  SQLite is very frustrating.  Sometimes performance is reasonable but most of the time painfully slow.  I though the journal off option would help, but it appears not.

Thanks Pete.

Are you using SQLite with TP10?

Of course you will have to edit the file to match the way you want the status bar to display.

Let me know whether or not this works.


Well, been using TP10 heavily and it seems issues I thought were fixed are not fixed.  Can anyone else confirm the following?

- the rename/disappearing file is not fixed

- the SQLite database performance is back to being slow again

General Discussion / Cerious Software Forums
« on: 2015-07-17 09:54:55 »
Build 4001 - disappearing rename of files is not fixed.

Why this issue exists is a puzzle.  When you install TP10 (especially a "clean" install), the Thumbs10.vconfig file is not created so there is no way for TP to save view settings.  Do you still have a vconfig file?  If so, rename it Thumbs10.vconfig and the status bar settings you have manually edited will stick.  I would upload the Thumbs10.vconfig file I have, but I don't know how to upload files in this forum.  Can anyone help with the upload?

General Discussion / TP 10 review
« on: 2015-07-17 08:15:47 »
> My blog review of TP 10 is set to launch at 3 a.m. Friday (Eastern U.S.). Please check it out at Thanks.


You penned a fair and honest review of TP10.  I find TP10 more usable than TP8/9.

I use TP primarily as an image organizer/viewer and a dupe image finder (the indispensable feature of TP!).  In my experience TP7 is still superior from a usability standpoint.  I can tab between panes, F2 renames folders as well as files, ALT+n keys can be used to sort files, I can find duplicate video files, thumbnail creation is lightning fast (however, TP10 creates video thumbnails much faster), etc.  The only TP7 drawback is of course the 2GB limit on the database.

I now use TP7 for video files and TP10 (with SQLite) for image files.  TP10 added the "JournalMode=Off" parameter to the database so thumbnail creation performance is much improved (I wish TP10 would honor "SyncPragma=Off" as well).  Thank you to Cerious for making that change as I thought the SQLite performance was a big drawback.

There are still issues with TP10 that Cerious is aware of.  Hopefully with time these issues will be addressed.


General Discussion / TP 10 review
« on: 2015-07-16 20:32:31 »
> My blog review of TP 10 is set to launch at 3 a.m. Friday (Eastern U.S.). Please check it out at Thanks.

Looking forward to your review of TP10.  I like your review of FastStone.  I bought MaxView and have it interfaced to TP10.

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