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Messages - KurtA

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It took me several days to get ThumbsPlus 9 running on a new PostgreSQL database.  I ran into several issues.  I'm basically up and running with a few crashing issues.

The first issue is case sensitivity.  The case sensitivity issue is well explained by the following WEB page:
To sum it up PostgreSQL treats quoted table/column names as case sensitive while unquoted table/column names as case insensitive.  I was able to verify the use of quoted and unquoted names by psqlodbc log files.
I found that I had to make the following changes in Thumbs9_postgres.sql:
1) Rename the table "ThumbsPlusDatabase" to "thumbsplusdatabase"
2) Rename the "Thumbnail" column "idFileType" to "idFiletype"

I used the PostgreSQL ODBC direver "psqlodbc".  It was the 32bit UNICODE version.  I eventually installed the latest 9.03 version.  I think 9.02 would be fine.  I had to set one option on the Advanced Options Page 2 "Bytea as LO: Allow the use of bytea columns for Large Objects".  Are there any other options in psqlodbc that should be set?

I'm still having some PostgreSQL crashes.  I have had 7 thumbnail creations in 350,000 images that caused crashes.  The crash is reproducible.  The crash is down underneath the psqlodbc driver in Microsoft code.  I suspect the crash has something to do with bytea objects used for the thumbnails.  I'm thinking about building a debug version of psqlodbc to find out more.


ThumbsPlus v7-v9 Questions / Canon 6D Raw Support
« on: 2013-12-29 15:11:16 »
It looks like my Canon 6D is only half supported by the Digicam RAW 5.1.  The thumbnails create correctly while the separate viewing window now it hangs in was very slow and delivers ugly images.  I goofed around with settings and got ugly images for both thumbnails and views.  The hangs(infinite loop) started happening with V9SP1B3 using PostgreSQL.

It looks like both PolyImagePro and dcraw now support the 6D.  When can we expect another version of Digicamn RAW?

It doesn't bother me much.  I tend to use the JPEGs instead of the Raws for viewing, but it would be nice to get them working.


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